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Layer: GRSG_2015_USFWS_StatusReview_CurrentRange (ID: 0)

Name: GRSG_2015_USFWS_StatusReview_CurrentRange

Display Field: SPP_Name

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: This data set represents Greater Sage-Grouse Current Range to be used in work for the USFWS 2015 Status Review for the Greater Sage-Grouse. Current Range is defined as areas believed to be currently occupied. Therefore this data set represents occupied habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse.Current range for this data set was created by compiling the following data and information Schroeder et al. 2004 current range Priority Areas for Conservation (PACs) identified in the Conservation Objectives Team (COT) Report, 2013.One small polygon from the Schroeder et al. 2004 current range was removed as it was determined that it no longer represents current range. Determination made from information from Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. This small polygon overlapped the corners of Jefferson, Wheeler, and Wasco Counties in Oregon. Occupied Habitat identified by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (11/23/2011) was added to this Current Range layer. GRSG Habitat Data from USGS/NV Sagebrush Ecosystem Program (2014) were added to the Current Range layer. Working with the new USGS mapping information and our staff in the NV ES office (which assisted with the new mapping effort) the following habitat areas were added. Management Zone 3 includes all areas covered by Core, Priority, and General Management Categories. Management Zone 4 & 5 includes all areas covered by Core and Priority Management Categories.As part of the review of the greater sage-grouse distribution model developed by Kevin Doherty (FWS), and new lek data, several small areas were identified where the model extended beyond the GRSG Current Range. Kevin reached out to states. In agreement with the states, modeled areas beyond the Current Range that also contained active leks were added to this Current Range layer.In Wyoming, discussions from distribution modeled data resulted in receiving a new shapefile from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department on March 24, 2015 that deviated from the GRSG Current Range. After conferring with WYGFD, we determined that the range adjustments were the result of a collaborative effort within WYGFD to improve the accuracy of the current range data in Wyoming. The new Wyoming current range data was used in this GRSG Current Range data set as it constitutes the best available science. More information on this data set and the Schroeder et al. 2004 current range can be found in the supplemental information.

Copyright Text: US Fish & Wildlife Service, 2014 | Schroeder et al. 2004 | COT Report 2013 Original Data: Current Range - Michael A. Schroeder, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife | Schroeder, M. A., et al. 2004. Distribution of Sage-grouse in North America. Original Data: PACs – COT Report, 2013 (Scott Gardner, California Fish and Wildlife | BLM Eagle Lake Field Office | USGS Western Ecological Research Center | Kathy Griffin, Colorado Parks and Wildlife | Idaho Department of Fish and Game | Rick Northrup, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks | Aaron Robinson, North Dakota Game and Fish | State of Nevada | Oregon Fish and Wildlife | BLM, South Dakota Field Office (Belle Fourche, SD) | Utah Division of Wildlife Resources | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, Mike Schroeder | Wyoming Game and Fish Department | Bob Budd, State of Wyoming | USGS | BLM)

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